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Hi, I’m Gwen. #

At present, I am working as a Salesforce administrator and developer at Altec. Previously, I worked in marketing operations at Year Up. I have no formal training in either area, but I like to identify gaps and then learn whatever I need to do to fill them. It’s worked out for me so far.

I love tinkering with my computers, and have recently graduated from my previous attitude of “everything is a spreadsheet” into “everything is a relational database”, much to the chagrin of my husband (who was just getting used to the spreadsheets). I am particularly fond of single-tasking utility apps, powerful no-code automation tools, and shell scripts.

When I am not at my computer, I also enjoy puzzles, board games, hiking, swimming, creating handmade cards, eating ice cream, and riling up other people’s kids only to hand them back to their parents. I want to learn more about gardening and woodworking.

This site is an experiment in hosting my own little corner of the internet. I can’t promise it will be very interesting, but I’ll do my best.

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